Gonna take things to the next level

Right Now, I’m gonna start using my Blog more in order to show more of what skills I consist of.

Magnus Opus: The Excitement of College Wrestling

The Excitement of College Wrestling

Artistic Statement

I don’t like the fact that a lot of people “judges a book by its cover.” Specifically, people tend to not take part in certain sports because of what they see in the first few seconds of the sport. One of these sports is college wrestling. I love wrestling; I loved it ever since I started doing it when I was in middle school. Wrestling is something that plays a major factor in not only my life, but also making me who I am today. So when people tell me that wrestling is boring or lame, that really gets to me. Back in high school, and even at American, there would be about 90 individuals in the stand; whereas basketball and volleyball games get at least a few hundred individuals. In addition, a lot people have told me that wrestling is one of the most boring sports they have ever watched. All they say is that there is too much hand-fighting and nothing else. Well, they are just plain wrong and this video will show them all.

With the use of this video, I’m going to show the people what makes wrestling so interesting, so exciting that it would be far off boring. First, I’m gonna show what people look at specifically that gets the idea in their heads that wrestling is boring. Then I’m gonna show footage that shows wrestling at its most exciting moments.  In this video, I’m using both wrestling footage and individual interviews that I have personally recorded.

I’ve been hands-on with video-taping and cameras ever since I was in 3rd grade. And since then, I’ve enjoyed making movies and being hands-on with a variety of video cameras. When I got to college, I started to get back into video-recording and I enjoyed it way more then before. However, after taking Visual Literacy, I enjoyed video-taping, photography, and visual media in general at a whole new level

This Visual Literacy class really helped me out in getting me more familiarized with movie and photography equipment. I now know how to properly edit a film. In addition, from this class, I learned that every piece that you record is significant and will show a lot in your films. I also learned that in every photo someone takes, or in every clip someone records, there will always be a meaning behind it.

Lumiere Treatment

Logline: A boy who faces difficulties but nobody notices a thing.

Treatment: A boy is walking up a street from far away. The camera shot is looking straight at him in the middle of a street. While he is walking, two girls walk right into him without even noticing him. With confusion, the boy keeps walking. Then out of the blues, a frisbee is thrown right at the boy’s head. Instead of the person who threw the frisbee to apologize, they just pick it up and move on. After the boy rubbing his head from the frisbee bruise, he shakes his head and keeps walking straight. While the boy is walking, he then trips on his shoelaces, as he is lying on the ground hurt, people are just walking by him like nothing happened. One boy actually walks over him. He then gets up and keeps walking straight like nothing has happened. Finally, the boy walks right into the camera and then it goes blank.

Magnus Opus Treatment

I am a visual media student and a college wrestler. For my Magnum Opus, I will do a video on wrestling. This video will show that although wrestling might seem boring on the outside, when you truly take time to watch it, you will see the full excitement of the sport. To accomplish it, I will first show footage of just hand-fighting and wrestling at referee position. This is what people see as the boring features of wrestling. But after I show like 30 seconds or like a minute of that, I will get into the stuff which are the most interesting and most exciting aspects of wrestling. These include takedowns, a little violence, and some more exciting and special moves. This well, I can get the stuff that people rarely see in wrestling matches out there.


Picture of NCAA: Steve Fittery

This pictures I think shows a lot about Steve Fittery. This picture was taken during the NCAA Championship. More specifically, it was during the quarterfinal. He was wrestling Bryce Saddoris (a Navy kid), he beat a few weeks ago. In the second period, Fittery pins Saddoris. As the crowd was cheering for him, he points up to the sky, showing that he thanks god for all his hard work. This really captures the moment on who Steve Fittery, the 2X All-American, truly is. In the end, Steve went home with a 3rd place finish.

Highlight Videos

Here Are some individual highlight videos that I had made for my wrestling team.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_JM-xocnlk (Danny Mitchell)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=at6BPbObLm4 (Steve Fittery)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9frqUe1_MjU (Bubby Graham)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9stqMRQHI8 (Matt Mariacher)


Steve Fittery Final Thought

This is a picture of Steve Fittery, the #1 ranked wrestler at 157 pounds. When I look back at this picture, I see the anxiety that he must be feeling wrestling in his last match of the year. This is the match that will make his career undefeated at home for his whole career. He is about to wrestle in front of not only friends and fans at AU, but also his entire family. He is thinking about how he’s going to wrestle, how he feels his performance should be, and what he will do when he wins the match.


Teammate doing back flip in the air

Two Stand Tall

In 7th grade I got my first camera, well it was a videocamera that took pictures but lets get back to the main point. On the day I got my camera, my mom’s sister and her family came over. Whenever they came over, they brought over their dog (white). We just got Maggie, our dog (black), a few days ago so when the two dogs saw each other, they were playing non-stop. As they were playing, I was taking pictures to test out the new camera. One moment, both the dogs heard something, jumped on the couch, and looked outside. In an instant, I “captured the moment.”

Whenever I look back to this picture, I think of many meanings. One is that I think of “Lion King” with that scene of the lions standing on the rock looking tall. Another thing is that it shows that animals, in general, are very aware of what they see or hear. Another thing is that it shows the new dogs, of different breeds, standing tall with one another as a team. It also shows meanings of race as well. In the picture, the white-colored dog is standing tall with the black-colored dog. This idea could make this picture symbolize people of different colors working together against racism and prejudice. Also, it shows that as the two stand tall together, they are not afraid of what others say about them.

This is one of my favorite pictures and I am still amazed I even took such an amazing photo.

Solo Fox

I took this picture when I was like in 8th grade, so I was like 13 years old at the time. Every winter when it would snow, a fox would appear; but only once during the season. One day, I went downstairs and tried to get a picture of it. My first three shots were not that great, so I came closer. As I was just about to take the next picture, the fox suddenly turned its head at me and “click” got it. When he saw me, he ran off. When I looked back at the picture, I saw how aware the fox was of its surroundings. This is a picture, which I believe, “captured the moment.”